WebSocketを使ってゴニョゴニョしているのだが、handshakeの失敗時のエラーをどう扱うべきなのか、よくわからない。WebSocket Protocol の仕様と WebSocket API の仕様で書いてあることが違う。
- オープンリダイレクタが設置されたサイトで脆弱性になるので、handshakeのレスポンスはHTTPとして扱わない。
- 悪意あるスクリプトに攻撃の準備としてネットワーク環境の調査に使われるのを防ぐため、接続失敗の理由をスクリプトに通知してはいけない。
A server that did not complete the opening handshake (e.g. because it was not a WebSocket server).が示す範囲がよくわからなくて、これがもし403とか返した場合も該当するなら、サーバーはHTTPエラーコードを返さなくてはいけないがブラウザはエラーコードを握りつぶさなくてはいけない、ということになる。実際API仕様にもHTTPステータスを受け取れるとは書いてないし、そういうもんだと言われればそれまでだが、実際のところ困る。
chromeのコードもはっきりそうなっているっぽくて( @gtk2k さんに教えていただきました。ありがとうございます。 )、101以外のHTTPステータスを受け取っても、特に個別の動作はしないし、エラーイベントのどこを探してもHTTP statusが見つからない。リダイレクトもしない。
Unexpected response code: 403という文字列がエラーコンソールに出てくるけど、javascriptからは拾えなそう。
一体どうすれば良いのかわからず、原本 http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6455 および http://www.w3.org/TR/websockets/ と、そこから辿れる旧バージョンを参照した。以下の様な時系列で変更が行われた模様。
WebSocket Protocol hybi-05以前
- 記述1 ユーザーエージェントは、一部のシチュエーションではエラーの理由をスクリプトに伝えてはいけない
- 記述2 handshakeのレスポンスとして101以外を受け取った時、WebSocket接続を終了する
User agents must not convey any failure information to scripts in a way that would allow a script to distinguish the following situations:http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-05#section-7.1.1
If the status code received from the server is not 101, the client MUST fail the WebSocket connection.http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-05#section-5.1
WebSocket Protocol hybi-06 February 25, 2011
ietf のメーリングリスト 28 Mar 2011
I don't think it is "our problem". I think it is a "W3C/WHATWG HTML-5 WG problem". This is essentially an API issue for the browser websocket object. There are plenty of ways around this (adding optional follow redirects, exposing redirect responses etc. etc.), but I think it is the W3C and WHATWG HTML-5 working groups that should be where such matters are decided. As a web developer I really rather not have to go without redirection and other common auth methods - and I take responsibility for my servers not being open redirectors..... but would understand if the W3C/WHATWG decided not to support these features - at least initially. However, we should make the protocol such that if/when the API does support these features, then it will only be an in browser change and not an update of the protocol.http://www.ietf.org/mail-archive/web/hybi/current/msg06954.html
WHATWG のメーリングリスト Mar 29 2011
I absolutely agree that redirects are a big source of security problems. If we are going to support them for websocket then I think we need to learn from the mistakes of http as to not repeat the problems that occurred there. (中略) But I'm totally fine with punting on this for the future and just disallowing redirects on an API level for now.http://lists.whatwg.org/htdig.cgi/whatwg-whatwg.org/2011-March/031079.html
WebSocket Protocol hybi-07 April 22, 2011
記述2部分が変更 101以外はHTTPとして処理するIf the status code received from the server is not 101, the client handles the response per HTTP procedures. Otherwise, proceed as follows.http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-07#section-5.1
WebSocket API r1.210 May 24, 2011
Block redirects in WebSockets (whatwg r6148)+ When the user agent validates the server's response during + the "establish a WebSocket connection" algorithm, if + the status code received from the server is not 101 (e.g. it is a + redirect), the user agent must fail the websocket + connection.http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/websockets/Overview.html#rev1.210
WebSocket Protocol hybi-08 June 7, 2011
handshake失敗時にサーバーはエラー理由をHTTP error codeで表現しなさい、という記述が登場
If the server does not wish to accept this connection, it MUST return an appropriate HTTP error code (e.g. 403 Forbidden) and abort the WebSocket handshake described in this section.http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-hybi-thewebsocketprotocol-08#section-5.2.2
WebSocket Protocol RFC6455 PROPOSED STANDARD December 2011
現在のhandshakeのレスポンスの扱い protocolバージョン
Any status code other than 101 indicates that the WebSocket handshake has not completed and that the semantics of HTTP still apply. The headers follow the status code.
WebSocket API r1.271 Jul 11, 2012
Clarify what codes are exposed in case of error, since this text was mysteriously removed from the RFC at some point. (whatwg r7175)+ User agents must not convey any failure information to scripts + in a way that would allow a script to distinguish the following + situations:http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/html5/websockets/Overview.html#rev1.271
WebSocket API W3C Candidate Recommendation 20 September 2012
現在のhandshakeのレスポンスの扱い APIバージョン。 赤くて目立つようにHTTPは混ぜるな危険とwarning。
When the user agent validates the server's response during the "establish a WebSocket connection" algorithm, if the status code received from the server is not 101 (e.g. it is a redirect), the user agent must fail the WebSocket connection. Following HTTP procedures here could introduce serious security problems in a Web browser context. For example, consider a host with a WebSocket server at one path and an open HTTP redirector at another. Suddenly, any script that can be given a particular WebSocket URL can be tricked into communicating to (and potentially sharing secrets with) any host on the Internet, even if the script checks that the URL has the right hostname.